Saturday, October 17, 2009

mama i wanna learn more
cause i learned
so much from you

you taught me to respect
taught me how to love
taught me almost everything i know
and mama
when your not here
i feel so lone
and mama
i wish you where here
every time i need you
cause i wanna learn more

you taught me(3)
and i still wanna learn more

you taught me to forgive
taught me to forget
and grateful for that
but i wanna learn more

you taught me(3)
and still wanna learn more.

call me irresponsible, maybe that’s what I am

Call me reckless, maybe that’s what I am

but there still much good, I could impart

For I have been taught so well

I have two loving parents

They have given me their all

A beautiful sister

Who keeps me going strong.

They trust and support me

And advise me when I'm wrong

But, I never took the time to listen

Until this very dawn.

Life's full of hurdles

It aint a turtle race

You've got to stand up sometime

before it hits you in the face

Love comes easily

and so also should trust

For when you truly love

The heart and soul is a must.

I've been troubled at times

So indecisive about my self

But what kept me going

is the untiring support of my friends

I am a spoilt kid

or so at least I thought

But now realize that when someone is spoilt

there's no one to blame but yourself

So I thank the people

That have been there

Cause you're all special to me

and hope some day to meet & tell

How much you meant to me

Kenny Peruzzi.